I'm a Pundit Too

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Huffington Post Continues its Support for Terrorists

by The New Pundit

The Huffington post jumped all over the JFK plot. They jumped all over it by explaining to us that it was all bull.

Why Wasn't the Headline "Bombers Not Smart Enough to Bomb JFK"?

Why didn't the headlines read "Bombers Not Smart Enough to Bomb JFK" or "Plot to Blow-up JFK Unfeasible"? No, as is often the case in our post-9/11 paranoid universe, media hype and authoritarian fear-mongering conspire to freak us out.

In this post, Anthony Kaufman spouts the propaganda that helped cause 9-11. He showed his support for the destruction of the United States by telling us that the people planning this plot would have never been able to actually carry it out. He also yapped on about how the attacks coincidentally come during low poll numbers for the Bush administration. He pretends that Bush needs high poll numbers for some reason.

In How to Foil a Terrorist Plot in Seven Simple Steps, al-qaeda propagandist Nora Ephron tells us that the FBI fakes these plots by paying convicted felons to set people up.

Let me be very blunt here. These two people are supporters of the propaganda being used against this country by the likes of al-qaeda and other terrorist organizations. There is no sugar coating. They are trying to destroy this country.

The FBI, probably using tactics that the left has deemed unconstitutional, discovered and thwarted a plot that could have killed thousands. To pass off the people who planned this as not being smart enough is propaganda. We know they weren’t smart enough, which is why they were caught. We catch people by being smarter than they are. Claiming that this has something to do with the poll numbers of a man who will never seek public office again is terrorist propaganda. I don’t call it propaganda lightly. I do so after carefully looking for any other reason for the accusation, and cannot find one. Bush doesn’t care about his popularity right now, if you don’t believe me, ask those who voted for him what they think about immigration reform. Since there is no real logical reason for claiming that this has anything to do with popularity, we are left with two options. Either Anthony Kaufman is so stupid that he can barely breathe, or he is supporting terrorist propaganda. Since he was apparently able to think this story up and type it, he can’t be that stupid. This leaves us with the second option.

The same goes for Nora’s article. She attempts to make the case that the FBI finds convicted criminals, and pays them a big pile of cash to go out and talk others into a terrorist plot so that they can then arrest the poor souls and look like heroes. Again, this is blatant stupidity, or terrorist propaganda. She can type, so she can’t be stupid enough to believe her own words. It simply isn’t possible. No one who believes this kind of nonsense could possibly remember to breathe. Their brains wouldn’t be able to both breathe and type at the same time.

Imagine trying to run Windows XP and the latest version of AOL with a 10 year old computer. You would have a slow processor with 64k of RAM. Windows XP probably wouldn’t even start up, but if it did, AOL would cause the computer to freeze up because both programs running at the same time would be too much for the slow processor and low RAM. This is what would happen if people stupid enough to write this stuff actually believed what they were saying. The act of breathing while typing big words would cause one of those “not responding” messages you get when your computer decides to shut down.

I don’t know what it is that makes people decide to support terrorist propaganda that is used against their own country. It makes no sense at all. Interestingly, both of these propagandists live in New York, which so far has been the biggest bulls-eye for radical Islamic thugs. I’m curious; do they have a death wish? Maybe they have the inside scoop as to when these attacks will actually occur so that they can be sure to not be around? I mean, if they wanted to kill themselves, they could easily go the route of the bomb-strapped-to-the-chest jihads. Or maybe they know that their propaganda is even more important to the cause than dying.

Then again, maybe my assumptions about their brains shutting down are inaccurate. Maybe they are really just that stupid.

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  • wow what a biased post. Huffington actually has a point. Terrorism is overblown and provides an excuse to clamp down on civil liberties. And the line 'He pretends that Bush needs high poll numbers for some reason' is just stupid. For his party to win his party needs lots of votes which requires people to feel like they need his party. There, the fundamentals of democracy and government spin explained for your benefit. Now please go away.

    By Blogger multitudinal, At June 5, 2007 at 12:57 PM  

  • Liberals are always harping that their is no imminent terrorist threat inside the United States.

    But anytime we reveal/capture/prevent a terrorist attack in the US, the Left tries to discredit it, pretend it's not a real threat, or simply claim that the "Rethuglicans" are actually behind the plot.

    In other words, they're so frikken insane with Bush Derangement Syndrom, that they can't recognize true threats when they're slapped in the face with them.

    And it's not so much that the folks at the Huff-n-Puff Post support the other side...they're on the other side.

    By Blogger Robbie C, At June 5, 2007 at 2:11 PM  

  • The sad truth is that even several simultaneous nuclear blasts against several American cities will simply cause these people to "Blame Bush" and recite the "we deserved it" meme. They are beyond our attempts to reach them. It will be left to the sane minority to save the Republic.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At June 6, 2007 at 6:53 PM  

  • Terrorism is overblown and provides an excuse to clamp down on civil liberties.

    That is what liberals have been saying for decades. They stuck their heads in the sand and screamed "La-la-la-la" so they didn't have to see the wreckage of terrorism nor hear the screams of the people injured by terrorists.

    It is ok, though. You see, the primary targets for that "poor undocumented immigrant who just wants to come here and do jobs Americans won't do" Adnan Gulshair el Shukrijumah just happen to be cities with high populations of moonbat liberals. New York City, Boston, Washington DC, Los Angles, etc. When this guy succeeds with his plan most of the moonbats will be more worried about radiation burns and sickness then "civil liberties". That is the ones that survive, that is. The rest will not be leaving good looking corpses. Corpses don't worry about anything.

    The sad truth is that even several simultaneous nuclear blasts against several American cities will simply cause these people to "Blame Bush" and recite the "we deserved it" meme. They are beyond our attempts to reach them. It will be left to the sane minority to save the Republic.

    That is the truth.

    On the bright side there will be very few of them left. Liberals are very weak, self centered individuals who simply will not be able to cope with having to survive without their shrinks, iPods or latte's.

    By Blogger Nahanni, At June 7, 2007 at 12:51 PM  

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