I'm a Pundit Too

Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Season of Sharing

Conservative minded people believe that the best way to help the poor and downtrodden in society is to give them a hand up but not a never-ending handout. They believe that the best resource for providing that hand is the private sector, definitely not the government. It has been more than 40 years since President Lyndon Johnson declared “war on poverty”. Since that time the poverty level has dropped but poverty, by American standards, has not been eradicated. Thanksgiving is upon us and Christmas is following closely behind. During this holiday season I think we all should remember those less fortunate than we are.

Operation Christmas Child is a program that collects shoeboxes that you and your family fill with toys, hard candy, hygiene products, and various other small gifts for either a boy or girl. The organization then ships your shoebox to a child in a third world country. This is a Christian organization that is run by Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham

Convoy of Hope is an organization that offers hope and help throughout the world. Whether it is in New Orleans following Katrina, or in New York City following 9/11, Convoy of Hope is on the scene to help the victims of disaster. They are also known in the U.S. for community outreach functions where they go into some of the poorer neighborhoods and give groceries out, health and dental screenings, haircuts, and lots of fun and games for the kids.

Freedom Alliance is another great organization that awards scholarships to the children of our men and women in uniform that have paid the ultimate price in defense of our country. They have many events throughout the year to raise money and awareness, but the biggest event is the Freedom Concerts that talk radio host Sean Hannity sponsors.

The Salvation Army has a program that enables you and your family to sponsor a family in need at Christmas. They supply you with a wish list from the family and the ages of the children. You then go shopping for gifts and Christmas dinner for the family. They also have their famous “Angel Tree”. Parents who are unable to buy gifts for their children put their child’s name on the tree and you can go pick a name and buy a gift for the child.

United Way is probably the most well known charitable organization in the U.S.. They offer a wide variety of charities to which you can donate. The Red Cross provides help during disaster, as well as blood for hospitals.

Many churches in your area offer a complete Thanksgiving dinner to families in need. Our church, Trinity Assembly of God, provides 75 families with a complete Thanksgiving dinner as well as enough food for a week. They also have a food pantry where families can come and pick up a weeks worth of groceries. Our church is not unique in this respect. There are thousands of churches from all faiths that offer help and hope to those in need. Not only throughout the holidays but also throughout the entire year.

One other idea is to send a few extra Christmas cards out this year. Send a few Christmas cards to some troops recovering from their injuries at one of the military hospitals. Here is the address for Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
A Recovering American soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington,D.C. 20307-5001

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for all that we have been blessed. Christmas is a time that we exchange gifts to our friends and families. Please take this time to remember those in need around you. Even a small gesture goes a long way to someone who has nothing. We are all very blessed to some degree. Share your joy this holiday season.


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