Lubbock Marine Parents: 10 Things to never say to someone with a deployed soldier
Lubbock Marine Parents: 10 Things to never say to someone with a deployed soldier
Labels: Diane Feinstein, Dick Durbin, Fairness Doctrine, illegal immigration, immigration bill, LIndsey Graham, shamnesty, Trent Lott, Troy Stouffer
Why would a prosecutor indict someone for something that isn't illegal? Why would he then appeal a judge's decision to toss out the charge? Why is there no public outcry at this obvious breach of civil rights? Oh, it is happening to a Republican. Never mind then
For those who have forgotten the name of Ronnie Earle, he is the prosecutor who took cash from the Democratic Party to drum up false charges against Tom DeLay. You probably forgot all about this since there hasn't been any news about it since the Democrats took his seat from him. Since taking his seat was the only reason for these false charges, there has been no coverage in a while.
Well, long ago, a state district judge threw out one of the charges against DeLay for a really crazy reason. It turns out that this particular 'crime' was not on the law books at the time it may or may not have occurred. Let me make sure that I am clear. DeLay was indicted for a committing an act that was not against the law at the time the act occurred. He committed an act, a year later a law was created against that act. Get it?
Ronnie Earle, Democratic patsy and white collar criminal, managed to talk a Grand Jury into indicting DeLay for something that in fact was not against the law. The judge in the case tossed the charge. So what does Earle do? He appeals the tossing of a non-crime to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
I know exactly what you are thinking. Has Ronnie Earle ever studied law? And that is a good question. It turns out this guy is a prosecutor, so to be honest, I'm guessing he hasn't actually studied law at all. He starts by indicting someone for an act that is not illegal, and then he appeals when a judge realizes that the act isn't illegal and tosses out the charges. Incredible.
Hopefully Tom DeLay's attorneys, who apparently have actually been to law school somewhere in the United States, will take advantage of this. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, please remember when you make your decision one very important fact. Ronnie Earle is completely retarded. He proved this once by indicting my client for something that was made illegal after the fact. He proved it a second time when he wasted the time of the appellate court system by trying to have the tossed charges reinstated. The defense rests."
Ronnie Earle and the Democratic controlled Senate have something in common. They both like to pretend that things are illegal.
Labels: Ronnie Earle, Tom DeLay
Labels: Huffington Post, online terror, war on terror
It is not for individual soldiers to refuse such orders. A soldier has a duty to refuse unlawful orders, but individual soldiers simply cannot reasonably argue that a war itself is unlawful; that is a question that must be decided at the highest levels. If individual soldiers may decline to participate in a war, that is an invitation for mob rule: we agree to serve our country, not to serve when we agree with the decisions our leaders make. The system would not work otherwise.
Army Major Andrew Olmsted explains why he is going to Iraq.Labels: Andrew Olmsted, Iraq, war on terror
When proponents of comprehensive immigration reform decided they needed to sweeten the pot to get their bill passed, they added $4.4 billion that was supposedly to be spent up-front on border security. This was intended to partially satisfy the desire of millions of Americans that border security and employer enforcement be addressed first, and other measures considered only after we are satisfied that we have control over our borders.
Senator Jim DeMint was suspicious, however, and went to the Congressional Research Service for an opinion on how the $4.4 billion could be spent. The result was as you might suspect; what follows is DeMint's press release:
Power Line: Billions for Z Visas, Not a Cent for Security?
Labels: illegal immigration, immigration bill, Jim DeMint, Power Line, Senator DeMint, shamnesty
Labels: counterterrorism blog, war on terror
Labels: illegal immigration, immigration bill, shamnesty
Labels: al qaeda, treason, war on terror
Labels: Allan Ashinoff, Human Events, illegal immigration, immigration bill, Jim Saxton, shamnesty
Labels: al qaeda, Al-Zawahri, Gateway Pundit, Jimmy Carter
Labels: bush, Cheney, conservative, democrat, illegal immigration, immigration bill, John Hawkins, liberal, poll, republican, shamnesty
Labels: Six Year Old, suicide bombers, Taliban, The American Israeli Patriot
Labels: Gateway Pundit, Iran
No, he did not mean well, not according to Peter Mehlman. But Mehlman believes that
Hitler meant well when he shoved 6 million Jews into gas chambers. Saddam Hussein meant well when he stuffed fathers, mothers and children into meat grinders. Uday Hussein meant well when he would rape young girls and then have his body guards kill them. This is what Peter Mehlman believesThis article is set up for "google bombs" which basically means that keywords are hyperlinked to specific web pages. In this case, the word Nazi is linked to Peter's bio at the Huffington Post. If this were repeated at enough sites and blogs, then a google search for the word
Nazi could lead to his bio.Labels: google bomb, Huffington Post, Nazi, Peter Mehlman
Welcome to the June 24, 2007 edition of carnival of political punditry.
J.C. Wilmore presents The legacy of "Macaca" is alive and well posted at The Richmond Democrat.
Madeleine Begun Kane presents An Arresting Affair posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog.
Sammy Benoit presents Jimmy Carter's Legacy -Islamic Iran posted at YID With LID.
Tracee Sioux presents Shut Up John Mayer, Stop Waiting On the World to Change posted at So Sioux Me, saying, "Voting for Hillary because she is a woman is a valid and legitimate reason. An argument advocating voting down the genderlines in 2008 to open the potential for all girls in America."
Michael presents Congress Approval All Time Low and Third Parties posted at The Common Virtue.
Hakim Abdullah presents Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? posted at Hakim Abdullah.
Avant News presents Sam Brownback Pregnancy May Put Squeeze On Presidential Bid posted at Avant News.
Lucynda Riley presents And our governemnt wonders why we don't trust them posted at Quietly Into the Night.
Sammy Benoit presents Why We Fight -->A Message for the Democrats posted at YID With LID.
Jon Swift presents Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Ann Althouse* posted at Jon Swift, saying, "Let's subject Ann Althouse's blog to Freudian analysis, since it seems only fair after she put Hillary's new campaign video on the couch."
Madeleine Begun Kane presents The GOP's In For A Rudy Awakening posted at Mad Kane's Political Madness.
vjack presents Ideology Over Competence Revisited: Bush's Nominee for Surgeon General posted at Atheist Revolution.
Lucynda Riley presents This is shocking!!! posted at Quietly Into the Night.
nishant presents North Korea gets 25 million bucks, and a meeting with US envoy posted at OMG Teh World!, saying, "A post with speculation on the whole North Korea dispute."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
carnival of political punditry
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags:
carnival of political punditry, blog carnival.
Labels: blog carnival, conservative, liberal, politics, the author
Labels: Gateway Pundit, Iraq, war on terror
Labels: illegal immigration, immigration bill, shamnesty, Troy Stouffer, Zogby International
George W. -- the definition of warmonger -- is solely responsible for Global Warming. To prove this, all you must do is look at the Delaware River.
And when I say George W., I of course mean George Washington.
I am sure that everyone will recognize the very famous picture of Washington crossing the Delaware River on Christmas day in 1776. Then again, with today's public education and the lack of focus on things that are actually important, maybe a lot of people reading this have no idea what I am referring to. History doesn't help kids' self-esteem much, so I am guessing that it is no longer in today's curriculum.
To refresh your memory, then General Washington took 2,400 men across the near frozen Delaware River to attack a garrison of British soldiers in New Jersey. This was a turning point in the war because the American troops had just lost New York City and their morale was extremely low. Had Washington not crossed the Delaware to attack the British in the Battle of Trenton, we may all be speaking British right now. Again, with today's education system, most people won't even understand that last joke.
What isn't discussed very often is that the Delaware River doesn't actually freeze to the point that we see in the now famous picture. Did the artist exaggerate to make Washington and the troops look more courageous? Let us examine this little thing that I like to call "history."
While watching the History Channel this past weekend, I caught a great piece about what is commonly called the "mini ice age" or "little ice age." This was a time from about the 16th to 19th century in which the earth suffered through 3 little periods of extreme cooling with each little period separated by slight warming. The exact time period is a matter of debate of course, but this is why the picture of the Delaware crossing looks exaggerated. The river was almost frozen over, which doesn't happen today because the earth has been warming. Again, the time period is a matter of debate. In fact, the Atlantic ice pack began to expand in the 13th century while the global glacial expansion did not begin until the 16th century.
There isn't as much debate about when the mini ice age ended. Most believe it was in the 19th century, around 1850. This would be less than a century after the Delaware crossing. The earth started warming, and somehow did so without the help of SUVs and coal burning power plants.
So, what caused the sudden warming at the end of the mini ice age? To try and answer that, we must first find out what caused the cooling that started the mini ice age. Common theories claim that the heightened volcanic activity combined with lower sunspot activity caused the ice age. The volcanic activity caused solar radiation to be reflected back into space. The low sunspot activity may have meant lower solar radiation also. When both of these reversed (lessened volcanic activity, increased sunspots) in the 19th century, the temperature began to increase.
I said all of that to say this. Much of the debate over Global Warming is being controlled by absolute morons. Anyone who claims that there is a scientific consensus and that the debate is over and the science is settled needs to be examined by a doctor and possibly locked up for the good of everyone else. And why not lock them up? Why can’t I say that they should be put away? They like to have anyone who disagrees with them ridiculed and fired. So, claiming that they should be examined is really just reflecting their arguments back at them. I know it seems childish, and that is exactly the point. They are being childish.
R. Timothy Patterson is professor and director of the Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University. He published an interesting piece just yesterday. Here are some highlights.
We are assured by everyone from David Suzuki to Al Gore to Prime Minister Stephen Harper that "the science is settled."
The fact that science is many years away from properly understanding global climate doesn't seem to bother our leaders at all. Inviting testimony only from those who don't question political orthodoxy on the issue, parliamentarians are charging ahead with the impossible and expensive goal of "stopping global climate change."
Climate stability has never been a feature of planet Earth. The only constant about climate is change; it changes continually and, at times, quite rapidly. Many times in the past, temperatures were far higher than today, and occasionally, temperatures were colder. As recently as 6,000 years ago, it was about 3C warmer than now. Ten thousand years ago, while the world was coming out of the thousand-year-long "Younger Dryas" cold episode, temperatures rose as much as 6C in a decade -- 100 times faster than the past century's 0.6C warming that has so upset environmentalists. From Read the sunspots, Financial Post, published June 20, 2007.
Professor Patterson then goes on to explain his theory regarding the effects of solar activity on the temperature of the earth. Of course, this scientist and professor will soon be ridiculed for his efforts. So I'm going to go ahead and get it all out of the way now. Let me clear my throat.
"R. Timothy Patterson is not a real scientist. Just because he is the director of the Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University does not mean he knows anything about earth science. Patterson is on the payroll of George W. Bush and Exxon. One lone nutcase like Patterson is trying to argue with millions and billions of real scientists who actually care about the earth. Patterson is a holocaust denier."
I'm certain that Al Gore and people from The Huffington Post have many more childish insults that they can toss at Professor Patterson. And yes, someone in the media has actually said that Global Warming skeptics are like holocaust deniers. If you like, please feel free to leave anything I missed in the comments. Thank you.
The UN and various Global Warming advocates are pushing a recent study and claiming that it settles the argument once and for all. This study claims that the earth's temperature is rising at an alarming rate and it is all our fault. Please note that in all the history of the earth, science has never been wrong when politicians agree with it and decree it to be the truth. Please also note that the sun revolves around a perfectly flat earth. Science has always known everything that there is to know, which explains why we continue to find new cures for diseases and new plant and animal life.
It also explains more of what Professor Patterson said in his article.
In a 2003 poll conducted by German environmental researchers Dennis Bray and Hans von Storch, two-thirds of more than 530 climate scientists from 27 countries surveyed did not believe that "the current state of scientific knowledge is developed well enough to allow for a reasonable assessment of the effects of greenhouse gases." About half of those polled stated that the science of climate change was not sufficiently settled to pass the issue over to policymakers at all.
This shows that only four years ago, climate scientist acknowledged that there is more to be done before any consensus can be claimed. If you believe that in four short years they have suddenly made all the discoveries they need to make and that nothing more needs to be done, you are a dumbass. I hate to be harsh, but this is absolutely the nicest thing I can think to say about anyone who believes the science regarding the effects of greenhouse gases on the earth's temperature is settled. There is no consensus in the scientific community on the causes of historical changes in earth's temperature, but I am supposed to believe that there is a consensus on the future?
I'm going to be blunt here, Al Gore is either pushing an agenda that he does not believe in, or the man is record-setting stupid. Due to the fact that he is a politician, I cannot even begin to speculate on which of the two choices is correct. There are scientists all over the globe who will tell you that his movie is full of holes. Despite this, people will read what I am writing and accuse me of not thinking for myself.
I am going to repeat that last part to make sure it is clear. I will be accused of not thinking for myself by people who have not yet questioned anything that Al Gore says about Global Warming. Did everyone get that? I will be told that the science of Global Warming is settled by people who tell me that I am blindly following Big Oil propaganda. I am certain that some of you are reading this paragraph and laughing a little inside because you realize the truth behind what I am saying. I am also certain that others of you are reading this, and you are lockstep in line and screaming your blind accusations.
CO2 is being blamed by some for the slight increase in temperature that we have seen over the past century. History has shown that the temperature has risen in the past over 100 times faster in a decade than it has in the past century. Despite this, blaming CO2 is supposedly a consensus. The reality is that CO2 is not a common factor in the history of climate changes. The reality is that CO2 is blamed mostly be people who only look at the current warming trend and have decided to rule out other possibilities regardless of the fact that they are more obvious answer. Not only is this not a consensus, it is not good science. To say that the answer is CO2 simply because you do not have any other answer is horrible science.
But let's be honest. Why don't we just apply the same principles to the mini ice age period that we apply today? I blame George Washington. He won the war, and then he became the President of the United States. He was a warmongering U.S. President; therefore the Global Warming that began and continues today is all his fault. Why should we be logical about this?
We need to get to a point where we can have an actual debate on this issue. Not only are the alarmist wrong in their supposed consensus, they are dangerously wrong. I'll quote the professor's article again.
Solar scientists predict that, by 2020, the sun will be starting into its weakest Schwabe solar cycle of the past two centuries, likely leading to unusually cool conditions on Earth. Beginning to plan for adaptation to such a cool period, one which may continue well beyond one 11-year cycle, as did the Little Ice Age, should be a priority for governments. It is global cooling, not warming, that is the major climate threat to the world, especially Canada. As a country at the northern limit to agriculture in the world, it would take very little cooling to destroy much of our food crops, while a warming would only require that we adopt farming techniques practiced to the south of us.
Meantime, we need to continue research into this, the most complex field of science ever tackled, and immediately halt wasted expenditures on the King Canute-like task of "stopping climate change."
Labels: Al Gore, Delaware River Crossing, George Washington, Global Cooling, global warming, Professor R. Timothy Patterson, sunspots, the author
Labels: Harry Reid, nancy pelosi, predicting the future, surge, the author, war on terror
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Labels: Jessica Alba
Labels: ABC news, suicide bombers, war on terror
Thanks to Redstate and Breitbart for this news.
Here is the reaction to the knighthood of Salman Rushdie.
Pakistan demanded on Monday that Britain withdraw a knighthood awarded to author Salman Rushdie, as a government minister said the honour gave a justification for suicide attacks by Muslims.
Angry protesters in several cities torched British flags and beat them with their shoes in protest at the accolade for the Indian-born writer of "The Satanic Verses" and chanted "Death to Britain, death to Rushdie."
"If somebody has to attack by strapping bombs to his body to protect the honour of the Prophet, then it is justified," Pakistani Religious Affairs Minister Ijaz-ul-Haq told the national assembly.
Here is who he is and what he did.
Rushdie, 59, was forced to go into hiding for a decade after Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1989 issued a death sentence over his book "The Satanic Verses" claiming it insulted Islam.
And here is the response from Iran.
Iran has already accused British leaders of "Islamophobia" after Rushdie -- now Sir Salman -- was awarded the knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II on Saturday to mark her 81st birthday.
Did everyone catch that? They claim justification for suicide attacks, they issue a death sentence over a book, and then they accuse others of "Islamophobia."
Well, shit, I wonder what could possibly have caused all of this "Islamophobia?" Why can't we just brush aside the justifying of a death sentence and suicide bombings over a book and realize that these people are all peaceful, fun-loving sweethearts who are just misunderstood?
"We demand that Britain should refrain from such acts which hurt the sentiments of Muslims and take back the title of Sir given to Rushdie," parliamentary affairs minister Sher Afgan said.
And I demand that you go fuck yourself. Hey tardo boy, has it ever occurred to you that suicide bombings hurt a lot more and that maybe you should spend more time condemning terrorism than books?
Now if everyone will excuse me, I am on my way to the bathroom with a few pictures of the prophet.
Labels: Iran, Islamophobia, Pakistan, Salman Rushdie, the author, The Satanic Verses, war on terror
Labels: NEFA, Target America
Michael Moore's new documentary SiCKO unfavorably contrasts the U.S. health care system with government-run systems. According to Moore, the U.S. system leaves millions of Americans behind and allows insurance companies to profit by denying care to cancer patients.
Cato scholar Michael D. Tanner counters, "America needs to have a serious debate about how to fix our health-care system. But Moore's demagoguery and refusal to address the numbers will do little to contribute to that debate."
On June 21 — the day after the D.C. premiere of SiCKO – the Cato Institute will help viewers decide when it hosts a screening of clips from SiCKO and short films by independent filmmakers who are more critical of government-run systems.
Health Care on Film: Clips from SiCKO and Its Competitors, June 21, 2007 "Moore's Sick Rx," by Michael D. Tanner, June 3, 2007
Sicko or Wacko?, by Michael D. Tanner
Labels: CATO Institute, health care, Michael D Tanner, Michael Moore, Sicko
This week, the Senate is considering S. 1041, the Orwellian-named "Employee Free Choice Act." As a point of fact, this bill would strip workers of their right to a federally-supervised, private ballot election when deciding on the question of union representation.
S. 1041 would replace this privacy right with a risky "card check" scheme. Under this method, union thugs could intimidate workers into signing a kind of petition known as a "card check." They could do so by any means necessary. Once 50%-plus-one of the workers at a facility were coerced into signing this "card check," a union would be established right then and there.
Not surprisingly, most Americans think this is a bad idea. In a recent McLaughlin poll, 87 percent of voters agreed that "every worker should continue to have the right to a federally supervised secret ballot election when deciding whether or not to join a union."
Moreover, S.1041 contains a provision that mandates compulsory, binding arbitration on the employer and the employees as part the collective bargaining process if an agreement cannot be reached within the first 120 days of negotiations. This misguided language would have a third party, government official impose the terms of a labor contract that are binding upon both parties, even if one or both parties find those terms unacceptable. In fact, employees would not be provided with the opportunity to vote on whether or not they approve their new contract.
Unions are the biggest single supporters of larger government, and rigging the rules in their favor would be a crushing blow to taxpayers.
Labels: Americans For Tax Reform, Baseball Bats for Big Labor Act, Employee Free Choice Act, Union
Labels: bush, GOP, illegal immigration, immigration bill, shamnesty, the author
Labels: anti-war, Appeal For Courage, Appeal For Redress, Marc Train, mudville gazette
Labels: Citizens Against Government Waste, David Obey, democrat, earmarks
Welcome to the June 17, 2007 edition of carnival of political punditry.
This is an interesting carnival. We begin with some jabs at the President and the GOP in general with few articles about the Iraq war in the mix. We then move on to some opinions about the current economy. Staying on course with current events, we move on to the Immigration debate. One blogger gives his feelings on JFK. In a bit of contrast, one blogger tells us why we need laws, while another tells that laws do nothing but destroy. In a strong finish, we try to figure out how our planet survives with so many physical poisons, and with so many social poisons, then we end up with some Mitt Romney humor.
Only Three Notes presents How to become an American President? posted at Only Three Notes, saying, "This is Arnab, the antichrist again. This would be my second post in this blog. I have found quite a few followers but looking for more. I am specifically looking for an american president to be my follower. This post of mine is going to outline how to become an American president."
Madeleine Begun Kane presents GOP Piety Song Parody (Sing to Billy Joel?s Honesty) posted at Mad Kane's Political Madness.
DWSUWF presents End Game: The face of "Victory in Iraq" posted at Divided We Stand United We Fall, saying, "The good news is that we have entered the "End Game" of our military involvement in Iraq. The bad news is that the man making the smart moves on the chessboard is Moqtada al-Sadr, likely future leader of Iraq, and the face of "Victory in Iraq" as defined by United States policy."
Hell's Handmaiden presents Churchill had "Never Surrender" hell's handmaiden posted at Hell's Handmaiden.
Wenchypoo presents Recession or Depression? Either Way, the Sky is Falling on Someone Unprepared posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.
David Hayes presents Misguided Reform: The Problem of the Guest Worker posted at Frozen Toothpaste.
Tim Abbott presents Don't Fence Me In posted at Walking the Berkshires.
David Mills presents John F. Kennedy speaks posted at Undercover Black Man, saying, "A neat little dose of aural history..."
Mike Netherland presents Rule of Law posted at Mike's Nether Land, saying, "A recent post regarding one aspect of the illegal immigration issue. Thanks for hosting!"
zenofeller presents The Real Deal. posted at
Wenchypoo presents If Only There Were Fewer People… posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.
Rick Sincere presents The Outing of Tyler Whitney posted at Rick Sincere News and Thoughts.
E.P. Wintergreen presents Romney Secures Key Endorsement from the Mentally Ill posted at Absolutely Serious, saying, "this is satirical in nature."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
carnival of political punditry
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Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page.
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carnival of political punditry, blog carnival.
Labels: blog carnival, conservative, liberal, politics, the author
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo’s (R-CO) amendment to cut funding from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Bill (H.R. 2638) for cities that employ a sanctuary policy passed the House with strong bipartisan support today; 234 to 189.
“The times, they are a changing,” said an exuberant Tancredo, who had introduced the same amendment several times in the past with far less support. “This should also serve as a warning sign to the White House and supporters of re-introducing an amnesty bill from the Senate. If that legislation makes it to the House, it is in serious trouble.”
The Amendment would prevent cities like Denver and San Francisco who employ a sanctuary policy for illegal aliens from receiving first responder funds, including law enforcement and terrorism prevention grants, among other programs.
Tancredo concluded, “The days that local officials could pander to the open borders special interests are over.”
Hot Air has additional coverage.Labels: Homeland Security Bill, illegal immigration, shamnesty, Tom Tancredo
Labels: campaign, Fred Thompson, illegal immigration, immigration bill, Jim DeMint, president, Romney, Senator DeMint, the author
June 14th, 2007 - Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) made the following statement:
"I appreciate the effort to fund border security, but there’s simply no reason why we should be forced to tie amnesty to it. If the administration was serious about fulfilling the border security promises, then this funding should have been supported all along, not offered at the last minute to attract votes to a bad bill."
"We have a serious problem with our immigration system, but this mess of a bill is not the solution. It puts amnesty before security, contains loopholes for criminals, and will increase the burden on taxpayers."
"All of the border security triggers in this bill can already be implemented under current law. It is unfortunate that the bill supporters continue to hold border security hostage in return for passage of amnesty. Instead, they need to prove to the American people that they will secure the border first."
On Tuesday, nine U.S. Senators wrote a letter to President Bush urging him to fulfill the border security provisions listed in the Senate immigration bill whether the legislation passes or not. Each border security trigger in the bill can be implemented under current law without any need for new legislation from Congress. For the text of the letter and facts on the border security provisions, click here.
Labels: illegal immigration, immigration bill, Jim DeMint, Senator DeMint, shamnesty